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The Art of Layering

Add depth, dimension, and character through layered elements.

August 30, 2023

While factors such as color, texture, and furniture play significant roles in shaping the ambiance of a space, there is one technique that can truly transform a room into a masterpiece – layering. Layering in interior design adds depth, dimension, and character. Elements of layering may include furniture, accessories, textiles, books, a lamp, candles, and always – a natural, organic element of plants and flowers, faux or fresh. The key is to harmoniously combine these in a way that adds depth, texture, and interest to the overall design.

Create a Visual Hierarchy

Placing objects at varying heights creates a sense of balance and order. Placing a taller item against a backdrop, the adding shorter elements can draw attention and add drama to a specific area. Books, pedestals, or plinths are great for creating varying heights.

Textures and Materials

Layering different textures and materials is a great way to bring life to a space. Velvets to burlap create a tactile experience that invites touch and creates interest. Combining smooth, rough, shiny, and matte finishes adds visual interest and enriches the sensory experience.

Colors and Patterns

Layering colors and patterns can inject vibrancy and personality into an interior. Experimenting with various color schemes and patterns, such as combining complementary or contrasting hues, incorporating accent walls, or mixing diverse patterns like stripes, florals, and geometric prints. Balancing these elements in a cohesive manner can evoke different moods, from calm and serene to bold and energetic.


Lighting plays a vital role in layering as it sets the mood and highlights specific design elements. Don’t be afraid to use a small lamp on your porch or entry as it creates a welcoming glow. Wall sconces, pendant lights, and floor lamps can be strategically placed to cast shadows, create focal points, and emphasize architectural features.

Embrace the art of layering and let your creativity out! Most importantly have fun with it. As always, we are here to help you Love Home!

The Art of Layering

Add depth, dimension, and character through layered elements.

While factors such as color, texture, and furniture play significant roles in shaping the ambiance of a space, there is one technique that can truly transform a room into a masterpiece – layering. Layering in interior design adds depth, dimension, and character. Elements of layering may include furniture, accessories, textiles, books, a lamp, candles, and always – a natural, organic element of plants and flowers, faux or fresh. The key is to harmoniously combine these in a way that adds depth, texture, and interest to the overall design.

Create a Visual Hierarchy

Placing objects at varying heights creates a sense of balance and order. Placing a taller item against a backdrop, the adding shorter elements can draw attention and add drama to a specific area. Books, pedestals, or plinths are great for creating varying heights.

Textures and Materials

Layering different textures and materials is a great way to bring life to a space. Velvets to burlap create a tactile experience that invites touch and creates interest. Combining smooth, rough, shiny, and matte finishes adds visual interest and enriches the sensory experience.

Colors and Patterns

Layering colors and patterns can inject vibrancy and personality into an interior. Experimenting with various color schemes and patterns, such as combining complementary or contrasting hues, incorporating accent walls, or mixing diverse patterns like stripes, florals, and geometric prints. Balancing these elements in a cohesive manner can evoke different moods, from calm and serene to bold and energetic.


Lighting plays a vital role in layering as it sets the mood and highlights specific design elements. Don’t be afraid to use a small lamp on your porch or entry as it creates a welcoming glow. Wall sconces, pendant lights, and floor lamps can be strategically placed to cast shadows, create focal points, and emphasize architectural features.

Embrace the art of layering and let your creativity out! Most importantly have fun with it. As always, we are here to help you Love Home!

Wednesday, August 30th, 2023

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